Letter S

satyr - Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports

Website: https://github.com/abrt/satyr
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Satyr is a library that can be used to create and process microreports.
Microreports consist of structured data suitable to be analyzed in a fully
automated manner, though they do not necessarily contain sufficient information
to fix the underlying problem. The reports are designed not to contain any
potentially sensitive data to eliminate the need for review before submission.
Included is a tool that can create microreports and perform some basic
operations on them.


satyr-0.16-1.fc22.s390x [98 KiB] Changelog by Martin Milata (2015-02-20):
- New upstream version
  - Add support for unwinding from core dump hook
  - Add support for Ruby uReports
  - Bugfixes

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